worlds collide and people fade
Welcome to Historia Crux, the fanlisting for Final Fantasy XIII-2, the videogame developed and published by Square Enix in 2011/2012. The second game of the Lightning saga trilogy, XIII-2 follows in the footsteps of Serah - the younger of the Farron siblings - and her journey up and down the timeline in order to reunite with her lost sister, and her eventual, simultaenous endevour to save the world.If you are a fan of Final Fantasy XIII-2, why not join us? Navigation is to the far right, at the bottom of the screen. Thanks for visiting!
This fanlisting was last updated on 27th November 2024 and is managed by Enthusiast. There are 8 members from 3 countries, with 0 member(s) waiting to be added. The newest member of the fanlisting is Selena.
If you would like to become a affiliate, I will accept any Square Enix fanlistings. Thanks a bunch! Please e-mail Rems with the details if you're interested.
Background textures from subtlepatterns
Final Fantasy XIII-2 © Square Enix